Our Lawyers have been helping thousands of families during a divorce. Because of this, we have been able to observe numerous families and children going through a divorce and we are able to comment on the effects of a divorce in people's lives.
We have observed that, during a divorce, many couples forget that they are divorcing each other, and never their children. This fact is imperative since your children will be yours unless you give up on them. Although in difficult to deal with a divorce, make it a point on never forgeting your children, even during the process.
Divorces are expensive. We have created a website for those who need to be divorce but cannot afford a lawyer; nevertheless, divorce cost, specially when the spouses are wanting to fight over everything. Remember that you are paying for the attorney's time, and not on a flat fee basis.
There is life after a divorce. Although during the time that people are going through the divorce, it appears as though no hope for the future is in store; the opposite is true. A new begining can happen after a divorce. We have noticed that most if not all of our clients, have received a better life after getting divorce.
Our San Antonio Lawyers have helped thousands of people during this difficult time and we will do the same for you. We do this because "we care about your legal needs!"
Use the largest online attorney directory to quickly find detailed profiles of Texas lawyers and law firms in your area.
Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 9, 2011
Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 9, 2011
Texas Rangers Investigating Another Case of Police Brutality and Excessive Force
The news started trickling out over the Labor Day Weekend that the Texas Rangers had been contacted by the family of a South Texas man who was comatose in a Corpus Christi hospital, another victim of excessive force by law enforcement. Sure enough, the Rangers are on the job, investigating the family's belief that their loved one, Martin Garcia Ortiz, had sustained his injuries in a vicious beating by a Texas law enforcement officer.
That's right: another case of police brutality in Texas. And another instance where either the FBI or the Texas Rangers has had to come into the area to find out the truth of things. It's something that happens far too often here in Texas: law enforcement using excessive force against people - something that we report about regularly.
What happened in this case of alleged police brutality?
According to news reports, 48 year old Martin Ortiz had been at a local bar in Aransas Pass. No worries about a DWI arrest here: Mr. Ortiz left the bar on his bicycle, to ride his way home. It wasn't far. He had no weapon, unless you are afraid of bicycles.
Things took a bad turn around midnight on August 10th. Seems Mr. Ortiz, there on the roadside on his bicycle, was stopped by an Aransas Pass police officer -- and according to family members, the cop pushed Ortiz off the bike only to then beat Ortiz after the man was laying on the ground beside (some reports say underneath) the bicycle.
The Texas Rangers have reported that their investigation reveals three police cars zipped to the scene (that must have been a very scary bicycle) and that some of these officers are now witnesses to the incident. They also report that Ortiz was purportedly stopped because he was weaving as he rode the bike, and his bike didn't have a headlight.
Guess what? All this may be on video. Seems that Aransas Pass police cars are equipped with dash cams, so sooner or later, some member of the press is going to get ahold of those videos and we'll all see what happened.
Right now, we know that Martin Ortiz lies, seriously injured, in Corpus Christi's Christus Spohn Hospital where he spent ten days on life support in a coma before starting to come out of it. It's not known at this time whether or not he will suffer permanent harm from this attack -- like traumatic brain injuries or spinal injuries.
The Texas Rangers are asking anyone who may have information about what happened to Martin Ortiz to come forward, and if you have any information about the Martin Ortiz case, you can call the Texas Rangers directly at 361-364-6239 or 512- 424-2160.
That's right: another case of police brutality in Texas. And another instance where either the FBI or the Texas Rangers has had to come into the area to find out the truth of things. It's something that happens far too often here in Texas: law enforcement using excessive force against people - something that we report about regularly.
What happened in this case of alleged police brutality?
According to news reports, 48 year old Martin Ortiz had been at a local bar in Aransas Pass. No worries about a DWI arrest here: Mr. Ortiz left the bar on his bicycle, to ride his way home. It wasn't far. He had no weapon, unless you are afraid of bicycles.
Things took a bad turn around midnight on August 10th. Seems Mr. Ortiz, there on the roadside on his bicycle, was stopped by an Aransas Pass police officer -- and according to family members, the cop pushed Ortiz off the bike only to then beat Ortiz after the man was laying on the ground beside (some reports say underneath) the bicycle.
The Texas Rangers have reported that their investigation reveals three police cars zipped to the scene (that must have been a very scary bicycle) and that some of these officers are now witnesses to the incident. They also report that Ortiz was purportedly stopped because he was weaving as he rode the bike, and his bike didn't have a headlight.
Guess what? All this may be on video. Seems that Aransas Pass police cars are equipped with dash cams, so sooner or later, some member of the press is going to get ahold of those videos and we'll all see what happened.
Right now, we know that Martin Ortiz lies, seriously injured, in Corpus Christi's Christus Spohn Hospital where he spent ten days on life support in a coma before starting to come out of it. It's not known at this time whether or not he will suffer permanent harm from this attack -- like traumatic brain injuries or spinal injuries.
The Texas Rangers are asking anyone who may have information about what happened to Martin Ortiz to come forward, and if you have any information about the Martin Ortiz case, you can call the Texas Rangers directly at 361-364-6239 or 512- 424-2160.
Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 9, 2011
Hiring a mediator does not mean you don't need to hire an attorney!!
I keep receiving phone calls from people that think that if they hire a mediator that they do NOT need to hire an attorney.
Obviously many people do NOT understand the role of a mediator!
They think that if they hire an attorney/mediator that they do not need to hire an attorney to assist them. They are wrong, wrong, wrong.
If I assume the role of a mediator then I must take off my "hat" as an attorney. I cannot function as an attorney. I cannot provide legal advice. I cannot prepare legal paperwork. I cannot do the legal paperwork necessary to finalize a divorce. After practicing law for 20 years I have avoided greviences against me. I intend to continue my clean record! I also as a "credentialed" mediator in the State of Texas. I am held to a high standard of conduct as a mediator. Therefore, I don't intend to start letting my ethics start slipping as an attorney or as a mediator!
If I assist a couple if coming to terms with the the final outcome of their divorce I am unable to assist them with preparing the paperwork to be submitted to the judge to sign the final paperwork!
Therefore, the couple must still retain the service of a Texas attorney to assist them in preparing the final paperwork.
So what can a couple do to avoid hiring an attorney?
The answer is not much.
They cannot use the services of a paralegal to do the final paperwork -- it is illegal for a paralegal to do so in the State of Texas. In fact, it is a felony for a paralegal to do so! The District Attorney's office as prosecuted paralegal's for doing paperwork for people. Why? Because often a paralegal has been known to do the final paperwork WRONG! FYI: There is one Harris County family cout associate judge that has personally called the District Attorney's office and given the DA's office the name of a paralegal and their contact information in order to aide in the prosecution of paralegals that do bad paperwork!
Also, please don't waste your money with the kits advertised on radio, television and the internet. If you listen carefully to their ads they state that they are not prepared by attorneys! That is how they State Bar of Texas has avoided suing them for the unlawful practice of law in the State of Texas! Also, their "guarantee" is worthless! I believe their guarantee is for 60 days and a divorce in Texas takes over 61 days -- so you don't get your money back. Plus, they don't give you the REQUIRED forms that the judge will want in order the finalize your divorce in Harris County and in the State of Texas. Plus, they don't sell you the required Employer Wage Withholding Order and other necessary forms that you will need if you have minor children.
If a couple is broke, busted, and on a limited income then there are pro bono (free) legal services available. Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program at 713-228-0732 comes to mind. I worked there many years ago. There is also Lone Star Legal. The 3 law schools in town also have services. You can go to the State Bar of Texas website and look for their pro bono list of programs in the State of Texas. Be prepared to wait since the free programs are overwhelmed and understaffed. Their funding has been drying up. The demand for free services is swelling & there just are not enough people to handle the demand.
Many attorneys offer payment plans.
Patricia Bushman at 713-807-9405 offers payment plans.
You can look for a recent law school graduate. However, I would suggest that you find someone that has a couple of years experience. A recent graduate does not know what they are doing and you don't need to be their first case! Many times someone with 5-10 years experience can do the job much quicker and right the first time -- for less money since they know what they are doing!
You can always go to the Family Court house -- there are now courts at 2 courthouses -- the Family Courthouse at 1115 Congress & the Civil Courthouse -- both are downtown just a couple of blocks away from each other -- and you can look around and try to find an attorney that looks like they are "hungry" but smart. I'd go down in the morning -- usually on a Monday morning when there is docket call. I'd pick someone with a few wrinkles in their face. Pick someone that is nice. It's your money -- so don't pick someone that treats your rudely!
You can check the Greensheet. I advertised in there for years approx. 15 years ago but I quit. There is just too much competition these days & too many shoppers. Plus now everyone has the internet. I found that most people use the internet to find an attorney. The Greensheet was not as popular for hiring a family law attorney.
You can look on http://www.lawguru.com/ and http://www.avvo.com/ for many family law attorneys.Both sites allow you to post free questions. Read the attorney answers & find someone that sounds nice.
There are many, many free websites for attorneys to advertise on these days. I used to pay to advertise but now there are literally probably 25 free attorney sites that I appear on. I've had a website over 15 years so I'm a really old, old internet presence.
Obviously many people do NOT understand the role of a mediator!
They think that if they hire an attorney/mediator that they do not need to hire an attorney to assist them. They are wrong, wrong, wrong.
If I assume the role of a mediator then I must take off my "hat" as an attorney. I cannot function as an attorney. I cannot provide legal advice. I cannot prepare legal paperwork. I cannot do the legal paperwork necessary to finalize a divorce. After practicing law for 20 years I have avoided greviences against me. I intend to continue my clean record! I also as a "credentialed" mediator in the State of Texas. I am held to a high standard of conduct as a mediator. Therefore, I don't intend to start letting my ethics start slipping as an attorney or as a mediator!
If I assist a couple if coming to terms with the the final outcome of their divorce I am unable to assist them with preparing the paperwork to be submitted to the judge to sign the final paperwork!
Therefore, the couple must still retain the service of a Texas attorney to assist them in preparing the final paperwork.
So what can a couple do to avoid hiring an attorney?
The answer is not much.
They cannot use the services of a paralegal to do the final paperwork -- it is illegal for a paralegal to do so in the State of Texas. In fact, it is a felony for a paralegal to do so! The District Attorney's office as prosecuted paralegal's for doing paperwork for people. Why? Because often a paralegal has been known to do the final paperwork WRONG! FYI: There is one Harris County family cout associate judge that has personally called the District Attorney's office and given the DA's office the name of a paralegal and their contact information in order to aide in the prosecution of paralegals that do bad paperwork!
Also, please don't waste your money with the kits advertised on radio, television and the internet. If you listen carefully to their ads they state that they are not prepared by attorneys! That is how they State Bar of Texas has avoided suing them for the unlawful practice of law in the State of Texas! Also, their "guarantee" is worthless! I believe their guarantee is for 60 days and a divorce in Texas takes over 61 days -- so you don't get your money back. Plus, they don't give you the REQUIRED forms that the judge will want in order the finalize your divorce in Harris County and in the State of Texas. Plus, they don't sell you the required Employer Wage Withholding Order and other necessary forms that you will need if you have minor children.
If a couple is broke, busted, and on a limited income then there are pro bono (free) legal services available. Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program at 713-228-0732 comes to mind. I worked there many years ago. There is also Lone Star Legal. The 3 law schools in town also have services. You can go to the State Bar of Texas website and look for their pro bono list of programs in the State of Texas. Be prepared to wait since the free programs are overwhelmed and understaffed. Their funding has been drying up. The demand for free services is swelling & there just are not enough people to handle the demand.
Many attorneys offer payment plans.
Patricia Bushman at 713-807-9405 offers payment plans.
You can look for a recent law school graduate. However, I would suggest that you find someone that has a couple of years experience. A recent graduate does not know what they are doing and you don't need to be their first case! Many times someone with 5-10 years experience can do the job much quicker and right the first time -- for less money since they know what they are doing!
You can always go to the Family Court house -- there are now courts at 2 courthouses -- the Family Courthouse at 1115 Congress & the Civil Courthouse -- both are downtown just a couple of blocks away from each other -- and you can look around and try to find an attorney that looks like they are "hungry" but smart. I'd go down in the morning -- usually on a Monday morning when there is docket call. I'd pick someone with a few wrinkles in their face. Pick someone that is nice. It's your money -- so don't pick someone that treats your rudely!
You can check the Greensheet. I advertised in there for years approx. 15 years ago but I quit. There is just too much competition these days & too many shoppers. Plus now everyone has the internet. I found that most people use the internet to find an attorney. The Greensheet was not as popular for hiring a family law attorney.
You can look on http://www.lawguru.com/ and http://www.avvo.com/ for many family law attorneys.Both sites allow you to post free questions. Read the attorney answers & find someone that sounds nice.
There are many, many free websites for attorneys to advertise on these days. I used to pay to advertise but now there are literally probably 25 free attorney sites that I appear on. I've had a website over 15 years so I'm a really old, old internet presence.
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