I apologize for the poor quality of this document. However, it does contain a lot of useful information.
PERSONAL RECORDS FOR ________________________
Use this workbook to keep track of your personal records and information for your loved ones. Knowing this information will be helpful to your executor, agent and family if you die or become incapacitated. Keep these records in a safe place. Make sure an appropriate person knows where to look for them. Be sure to update these records from time to time.
1. Information Regarding These Records
This information was entered in this workbook on the _____ day of ________________, 20__, by_________________________________________________.
The original of these records is kept: (Give Location) ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________.
(If applicable) A copy of these records is kept: (Give Location) ___________________ _______________________________________________________________________.
2. Personal Information
My legal residence is:
City State County
Date of Birth:
Month Day Year
Place of Birth:
City County State
Birth Records are located at:
If citizen of Date entered
Foreign country U.S.A.:
Citizenship Papers at:
I Currently Am Married to:
First Middle Maiden Name
Wedding: At
Mo. Day Year City County State
Birth Date of Spouse:
Month Day Year
Place of Birth:
City County State Country
My Children are: (List Name, Birthdate and Current Address)
If no children, list brothers and sisters.
Former Marriages (list all):
Former Spouse:
First Middle Maiden Name
If marriage ended in death:
Month Day Year
Cause of Death:
Cause City Age
If marriage ended in divorce:
Month Day Year
Place of Divorce:
City State
Records at:
Former Spouse:
First Middle Maiden Name
If marriage ended in death:
Month Day Year
Cause of Death:
Cause City Age
If marriage ended in divorce:
Month Day Year
Place of Divorce:
City State
Records at:
Former Spouse:
First Middle Maiden Name
If marriage ended in death:
Month Day Year
Cause of Death:
Cause City Age
If marriage ended in divorce:
Month Day Year
Place of Divorce:
City State
Records at:
Former Spouse:
First Middle Maiden Name
If marriage ended in death:
Month Day Year
Cause of Death:
Cause City Age
If marriage ended in divorce:
Month Day Year
Place of Divorce:
City State
Records at:
Date Place
Buried at:
(Maiden Name)
Date Place
Buried at:
Military Service:
No military service
Branch of
Service: Country
From: To:
Date of Type of
Discharge: Discharge:
Highest Grade
Or Rank Attained:
My present employer is:
Address Phone
Date Started: Supervisor:
Social Security No.:
Card located at:
In addition, I am eligible under the following pension, profit sharing and other benefit plans:
I am am not a member of a Labor Union.
Name of Local:
Address Phone
I am am not a member of a Credit Union.
Name Address
3. My Estate Planning Documents
My Will: I have no Will.
Original executed copy of my will is located at
It is dated ,
The original executed Codicil (revision), if any, is located at:
It is dated ,
Attorney who drew my will is:
Name Address Phone
Names of Executor(s) and Trustee(s):
Names of Guardians of my Children:
Witnesses to Will: (List Names and Addresses)
My Directive to Physicians and Family or Surrogates (“Living Will”):
I have a “Living Will” I have no “Living Will”
It is located at and is dated
My Medical Power of Attorney:
I have a Durable Power of Attorney for Property ____
I have no such power _____
It is located at and is dated
My Durable Power of Attorney for Property:
I have a Durable Power of Attorney for Property ____
I have no such power _____
It is located at and is dated
The attorney who drew this document is
My Declaration of Guardian:
I have a declaration of whom I want to be my guardian should the need later arise _____
I have no declaration of guardian _____
It is located at and is dated
My Trusts:
I have created (or am a beneficiary of) the following trusts:
Trust Name:
Date of Trust Instrument:
Original Trust Instrument is Located At:
Name and Address of Current Trustee:
Name and Address of Successor Trustee(s):
Trust Name:
Date of Trust Instrument:
Original Trust Instrument is Located At:
Name and Address of Current Trustee:
Name and Address of Successor Trustee(s):
Trust Name:
Date of Trust Instrument:
Original Trust Instrument is Located At:
Name and Address of Current Trustee:
Name and Address of Successor Trustee(s):
Other Estate Planning Documents: (Please describe and state location)
Life Insurance:
I do do not have Life Insurance.
Complete itemized list can be found.
Policies are located at:
Policies Covering Others:
I own insurance policies on the lives of others. A list of companies and policy numbers is located at:
Name of persons insured:
I have have not made loans against some of the policies.
Source of Loan:
Address Phone
Pertinent papers are filed with the policies: (Check)
___ Endorsements ___ Dividend Payments
___ Premium Receipts ___ Assignments
___ Settlement Agreements
I do do not have annuities:
Detailed list is located at:
Location of annuity contracts:
My principal life insurance broker is:
Address Phone
Medical and Long Term Care Insurance:
Accident, Hospitalization, Disability, Long term care and all other insurance (in addition to and exclusive of those covered by employer) not noted elsewhere.
Location of List:
Location of Policies:
Broker/agent Phone
I am am not registered for Medicare.
Enrollment at
Date City State
Medicare card located at:
5. My Assets and Liabilities
Safe Deposit Boxes:
I have have not a safe deposit box(es.)
Located at
Keys will be found at No.
The following person has access: (Name and Address)
With Number
With Number
With Number
With Number
With Number
With Number
With Number
With Number
Passbooks located at:
Accounts in joint names with myself and: (Name & Acct. No.)
Name of person who power to sign checks for me:
Address Phone
Real Estate:
I do do not own real estate. I am the sole owner.
It is located at:
Mortgage on my residence is held by:
The following documents are located at:
Check (X):
___ Deed ____ Mortgage Insurance Policy
____ Copy of Mortgage ____ Title Abstract
____ Improvement Loans ____ Closing Statement
____ Title Insurance ____ Leases
____ Tax Receipts ____ Maps & Surveys
Other Real Estate I own: _____ I am sole owner.
Documents pertaining thereto are located at:
Insurance Coverage is handled by:
Name of Broker Address Phone
Policies are located at:
I lease property to others: Yes No
Vacant Improved
Name Address Phone
List Location
Leases can be found at:
U. S. Savings Bonds:
I do do not own U.S. Savings Bonds.
____ I am sole owner.
List of Bonds – Serial Numbers – Co-ownership – and who is a Beneficiary at my death can be found at:
Bonds are located at:
Securities (Stocks and Bonds):
I do do not own securities (Stocks & Bonds).
List of all securities and certificate numbers will be found at:
Certificates located at:
I do do not have a brokerage account.
Name of Broker or Firm:
Address Phone
Records of Purchase and Sale are located at:
List Securities pledged for loans:
Lender Address
Lender Address
Lender Address
Personal Property:
I own the following personal property:
Auto: Yes No
Make Year
Make Year
Title(s) located at:
Household Furnishings: Yes No
Located at:
Record of Inventory located at:
Jewelry: Yes No Inventory List & Appraisals
Boat: Yes No
Make Year
Motor Year
Located at:
Miscellaneous Personal Property – (not previously listed):
Pertinent insurance policies on personal property are located at:
Insurance Broker:
Name Phone
Proof of Ownership, Receipts, Bills of Sales, etc., are located at:
Miscellaneous Assets:
List here other assets you own that are not otherwise covered above.
Credit Cards:
I possess the following credit cards:
Other Liabilities:
Mortgages, notes, and other debts not noted elsewhere.
Tax Records:
Copies of previous years tax returns filed are located at:
Party who prepared or assisted in tax returns:
Work sheets and evidence in support of returns are located at:
Current withholding tax forms and receipts received from my employer are located at:
6. Burial
(Please note: A special form is required to leave binding burial instructions. You can indicate your wishes here, but those indications are not binding on your family. Ask a lawyer at Barnes & Karisch, P. C. for more information.
I do do not own a cemetery lot.
Cemetery Lot:
Name of Cemetery Describe location
Deed located at:
There is is not provision for perpetual care.
I have given instructions regarding my funeral in:
Letter Other:
List membership in lodges or fraternal organizations providing cemetery benefits:
My preference for burial would be at:
Name of Cemetery City
Religious Affiliation:
List Church or Temple
Pastor or Rabbi Phone
7. Persons Familiar With My Affairs
Please print name, address and phone number.
Accountant – Tax Counselors:
Funeral Director:
Insurance Agent:
Executor of Estate:
Fraternal or Professional Groups: (Please notify)
Relatives and Personal Friends: (Please notify)
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